
UK Passport Photo Requirements & Size

A 2025 Guide to Rules + Verifier
  • Size: 35x45 mm
  • Coloured photo
  • High-quality image
  • No headwear
  • No background
  • No shadows
See all rules below
  • standard size and dimensions of British passport photos
  • no black-and-white photos, only in colour
  • no accessories like sunglasses or other objects visible in background
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How to Take a 100% Correct Passport-Size Photo

  1. 1. Get your clothes right

    There isn't any strict dress code but it's best to wear something neutral that will make a good contrast with the off-white light-grey background. Note: hats and accessories are strictly forbidden!
  2. 2. Ensure good lighting

    It will be easier to do so in the late morning or early afternoon. Find a well-lit room with a lot of natural light coming in and make sure you're evenly lit—shadows are unacceptable.
  3. 3. Take your picture

    Grab your phone and use its front camera to photograph yourself (or ask someone for help). Note: do not tilt or turn your head! Look straight into the camera with a neutral facial expression.
  4. 4. Process the photo here

    Upload your picture to our website and get UK passport photos online! We'll set up the correct 35x45 size, replace the background with light grey and check your image against the other rules.
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British Passport Picture: Guidelines & Examples

  1. printout proportions and size in centimetres or inches
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    In short:

    The officially approved UK passport photo size is 35 x 45 mm. As for proportions, your head must measure between 29 and 34 mm from chin to crown. Our tool will auto-set these dimensions for you.

    In detail:

    Like in many other countries, the standard passport photo size is 45 x 35 millimetres (3.5 x 4.5 centimetres). Also, the official requirements clearly state your head size: it should fill most of the space and be centred and proportioned between 29 and 34 mm from your chin to the top.

    With our British passport application, however, you can take a digital photo even at your full height: after conversion, your entire head and the visible part of your upper body will be right-sized anyway.

    So, if you're applying for a British passport with photos in print, it's crucial you make sure they have the required 35mm x 45mm size. And in case you're printing your photos by yourself, use good-quality paper and a printer with at least 300 DPI settings. No borders are allowed on printouts. If you're having your photos printed by someone else (say, in a store), you needn't worry about these British passport photo requirements.
  2. any backdrop other than neutral is forbidden by the guidelines
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    In short:

    Your background must be plain and light-coloured with no people, objects or shadows in it. Also, it has to make a clear contrast with your clothes. Our tool will automatically remove and colour your background in strict accordance with the UK passport photo requirements.

    In detail:

    As recommended in the government's rules and instructions, you should have plain light-coloured background (grey or off-white is the best choice). Remember that there must not be any other objects of any size or other people posing in your photos. The official requirements do not allow any shadows in the backdrop behind you as well.

    While the rules on background are pretty strict, you don't have to bother if you use our professional service—here, you can have your background removed automatically and in no time!
  3. rules for digital and printed pictures (no black-and white photos)
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    In short:

    You need a clear high-quality photo in colour. Its resolution must be at least 600 x 750 and size at least 50 KB (but no greater than 10 MB). If you prepare your picture in our service, it'll take care of all technical parameters.

    In detail:

    No matter if you're applying for a UK passport online with a digital photo at home with your phone or offline (i.e. with printed photos), there are certain picture quality standards. In general, your photo cannot be unclear, blurry or pixelated.

    As for the technical passport photo requirements UK, the resolution of your image must be at least 600 pixels wide and 750 pixels high for online application. The size of your own passport photo must be at least 50 KB and no more than 10MB. Blurry, pixelated, grainy pictures and shots with other visible defects will be rejected.

    As for colours, black-and-white headshots will not be accepted, too, as only coloured British passport photos meet the guidelines.
  4. keep a neutral face expression and try not to smile
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    In short:

    Stand straight, don't tilt your head, maintain a completely neutral facial expression and look directly into the camera. Make sure that your hair doesn't cover any part of your face and/or obscure your facial features. Light makeup is allowed.

    In detail:

    According to the UK passport photo requirements, you should keep a straight face in your photo: lips closed, maintain an upright position, look straight at the iPhone or Android phone or camera you're using, keep a neutral expression, eyes open, and shoulders facing the objective lens.

    If you've made a digital photo where you're smiling, don't try to edit it, just take a new one of the same photo size. Any editing is against the rules: if retouched, your headshot will be rejected during the processing of your British passport application. As for cosmetics, the current passport application guidelines allow to wear a simple makeup.

    There are no strict hairstyle regulations but hair in UK passport photos should be of a reasonable size and cannot cover any part of your face.

    As for pose, try to position yourself in such a way that your full face is clearly visible in the photo and make sure there is no tilt.
  5. no spectacles
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    In short:

    Only prescription glasses are allowed. As for accessories, it's best to keep them to a minimum or avoid wearing them at all.

    In detail:

    If you wear prescription spectacles on a daily basis for medical purposes and can't move around without them, you don't need to worry. As long as there is no glare or reflection in the photos, it's not against the guidelines to keep them.

    But mind that glasses with big-size frames over a large part of your face are not permitted in UK passport photos (and neither are tinted glasses), even if they are prescribed by your doctor. Also, you cannot wear sunglasses (or any other similar accessory completely or partially hiding your eyes).

    As for passport photo rules on other accessories, it's better to keep them to a minimum: while lowkey jewellery (like small earrings or a pendant) and piercings are allowed, things like face masks or hair clips are a no-go.
  6. headgear is allowed for medical reasons only, with no exceptions
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    In short:

    There's no strict dress code for passport photos but it's best to wear neutral clothes that make a good contrast with the background. Headwear is forbidden unless worn for religious or medical reasons.

    In detail:

    There are no strict passport photo guidelines for upper body clothing, so you can basically choose whatever you like. Still, we recommend sticking to neutral style and business-like clothes to be on the safe side (don't put on formal uniforms though—the guidelines prohibit wearing them at all).

    However, you cannot wear a hat or headgear except for religious or medical reasons (for instance, hearing aids). Both exceptions require a signed statement from you. While religious attire is permitted in photos, remember that your face must be clearly visible.
  7. only a shadow-free digital photo will be accepted
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    In short:

    The passport picture requirements forbid any shadows, which means there can't be any shade in your picture. To eliminate all shadows, ensure sufficient and even natural lighting without underexposed or overexposed areas.

    In detail:

    According to the official specifications, you can't have them on your face or anywhere else. Glare, reflections on your face or spectacles aren't allowed as well. Also, photos taken in a dark room are not accepted, as you should be fully visible. To avoid mistakes, adjust brightness, contrast and photo size on your digital camera beforehand.

    To ensure there’s enough natural lighting (which will help make a perfect passport photo), stand or sit in a room with at least one window. Also, you can turn on the flashlight on your smartphone, tablet or another mobile device you're taking your photos with (although a sharp light source may not make good lighting).
  8. image retouching is forbidden
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    In short:

    Don't edit your picture in any way, it's against the passport photo rules.

    In detail:

    The UK passport photo requirements forbid using any editing computer software, PhotoShop-like apps, retouch tools or editing web services. Also, do not apply any special effects or makeup filters to your new photos.

    Only an unaltered picture can be used to renew your passport or get a new one. Even if there's a red eye effect, we wouldn't recommend to try and remove it. In most cases, it's safer to take a new headshot than edit your digital photos.
  9. some other specifications
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    In short:

    The rules for little ones are mostly the same as for adults but there are a few exceptions: those aged five (or under) needn't keep a plain expression or look straight into the camera and kids under one don't have to keep their eyes open. All other rules for passport photos must be met.

    In detail:

    According to the UK passport photo requirements, your little one must be alone in the image, no matter what size he or she is. Holding a toy or a similar object in the photo is not acceptable. Also, when a parent takes digital photos, they must remove their hand from the frame.

    Make sure your kiddo keeps more or less neutral expression (mouth closed preferably) while facing the camera as directly as possible. Also, make sure to keep the correct head proportions. When taking pictures of a one-year-old (or younger), remember that it's okay if the their eyes aren't open entirely.
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UK Passport Photo Standards & Dimensions

  1. What are the requirements for a UK passport photo?

    HM Passport Office issues up-to-date requirements and regulations – both for digital shots and paper printouts.
    As for general UK passport specifications, your photo has to be taken within the last month, i. e. your appearance in it should be as actual as possible. Also, if you’re struggling when taking a headshot by yourself, ask a family member or friend to be your photographer. For the backdrop, use a uniform light-coloured background.
    The other (more specific) guidelines and specs for both digital passport photos and their printouts specify major principles of acceptance/denial. These specifications cover digital photo resolution and focus, correct size, right clothing (including that worn for religious or medical reasons), prescription glasses, earrings and other jewellery, hair, beard, lighting, neutral expression, and no tinted glasses.
    See the details above and use our free online UK photo checker to confirm your picture against UK passport requirements. In case of doubts, use our free photo maker to submit a picture that meets all the photo guidelines for a British passport application.

  2. What are the requirements for a baby passport photo UK?

    Although it’s way harder to take a good snapshot of your little one, the official rules for such a UK passport photo happen to be generally less strict. After all, you can’t tell the young British citizen to hold still and keep calm, right? So, the strict rules effective for adults do not apply to infants and their shots to the same extent.
    For example, your girl or boy may smile or open their mouth a bit (not too much though). Also, if he or she is under six, it is not necessary to look straight at the camera or keep a strictly neutral expression. But still, no matter the age, holding toys or dummies is not allowed, and there shouldn’t be any other objects in the picture.
    In addition to that, the baby passport photo requirements clearly state that parents can’t be present in the photo as well.
    As for applicants that are less than 12 months old, the passport photo rules and requirements are even less stringent for them. While all the rules mentioned in the paragraph above still apply, there are some differences. For one, they can have their eyes closed.
    There’s also this life hack on the official government website: lay your little one on a light grey or cream bed sheet (to use as your makeshift background) and take a digital photo from above. You can support his or her head with your hand as long as it isn’t visible in the frame.

  3. What size is a passport photo UK in cm?

    The dimensions for printed photos are very precise: they must be 4.5 cm high and 3.5 cm wide (in line with the requirements). If we measure this in inches, the equivalent dimensions will be 1.375 x 1.75 in.
    These specifications are some of the most common ones, as they apply in many states around the world (both for passports and other identity papers). For instance, if you’re off on a business trip to Europe, you can also use a photo of these dimensions for your visa and/or other supporting documents in most cases. As we make 35×45 mm shots exactly, PhotoBooth Online can be your all-in-one cropping tool that’s both time- and cost-effective. Pretty convenient, right?

  4. What size is a digital passport photo UK?

    If you don’t feel like submitting in person, choose the online application service: in this case, the aspect ratio of the file you upload will remain the same. According to the universal standards, the proportions will still be 35×45 in millimetres (which equals 3.5 by 4.5 in centimetres and 1.375 by 1.75 inches).
    If we go into technical details, the resolution of your digital passport photo should be at least 750 by 600 (the height and width measured in pixels, not cm or mm). The reason for this requirement is that your picture must not be too blurry or pixelated–after all, you need to be easily identifiable in your official shot (that’s the whole point, isn’t it). There is no specified maximum dimension in pixels, but it obviously should be within reason, as the image cannot take up more than 10MB of space, with 50KB being the minimum.

  5. How to resize a photo to passport size?

    It’s easy to change a larger JPEG to the proper proportions for a British passport online. So, instead of spending lots of time and money on a visit to the nearest photo shop, we suggest you try the following (the entire process is super-easy):

    1. Visit the PhotoBooth Online website
    2. Select the Upload button
    3. Provide a new photo taken with your iPhone or Android smartphone within the last 30 days
    4. The app will automatically run the cropping format program per the applicable requirements for a British passport photo
    5. Wait a few seconds to get your UK passport-size photo cut to the allowed proportions in pixels
    6. Proceed to download the resulting file for printing

    When you obtain your photo, it should be submitted. In case you want to proceed without leaving home, apply immediately at the UK passport online submission page, following the easy step-by-step process. This is the most efficient way in terms of time and money. Plus, they will have your photo checked against the applicable standards beforehand to see if it’s all okay.
    If you don’t want to send in your digital passport photo through the online application page, you can do it in person by mail. Simply take the photo to the nearest post office to submit it to the government and use it for your new British travel document.

  6. How to make sure my shot meets the requirements for UK passport photos?

    This can pose quite a challenge, since most photo booths (and, frankly speaking, some stores) do not verify your photo once it’s taken. Instead, they leave it to you to check if you have a plain light-coloured background, keep a neutral facial expression and keep your mouth closed (and eyes open) in your brand-new passport photo.
    Not too great service, isn’t it? Thankfully, there are some options that make the verification much easier:

    • Apply on the official government website. Should a British citizen choose to submit his or her passport application online, their shot will be checked automatically. A special meter will evaluate the quality of your photo compliance-wise and tell you if something is wrong.
    • Use the Check and Send service at a post branch. For £16, one of the employees will thoroughly check your passport photo and the supporting documents to make sure you can send it all to HMPO without risking rejection. But please mind that they do not provide the service separately—if you want your photo examined by the staff, you’ll have to take it at their premises first.
    • Upload your digital passport photo to an online verification tool (other than the one at the page). Why do that if there’s an official option? For instance, this option will be useful for those who just want to ensure their shot meets the specifications before making it into a couple of printed photos (to submit them by post).
      Our service helps you do just that! Whether you’ve made your photo with your phone or digital camera, simply upload it here. We’ll run our integrated checker and correct your picture (if it needs adjustment in the first place). For instance, we’ll replace the photo background with the compliant one and crop your shot to the standard size.
  7. Will a picture prepared here meet UK passport photo rules?

    Yes, it will—PhotoBooth Online has a number of features implemented to keep your picture compliant:

    Correct Photo Size

    The full head dimensions must be between 29 and 34 mm. Our tool will help you verify and validate the head proportions to ensure your application will pass with no trouble.

    Correct Ratio

    The official UK passport photo size in pixels is 600×750—your picture must be 600 pixels wide and 750 pixels high. Get a photo of this size now!

    Plain Light Background

    When renewing your passport or getting a new one, use our digital passport photo maker. If the background is wrong, we’ll automatically set it to cream or light grey.

    High Resolution

    We’ll make sure there is no blurry mess or shadow. Your clear HD photo for documents will be ready for printing and attaching to the application form (or submitting online).

    No Shadows

    Aside from being shadow-free, your photo must have the proper brightness, right size and contrast. We’ll help check if it’s all OK so that you’re ready for submitting.

    Any Number of Photos

    Want to process 3, 10 or 15 headshots for your UK passport? Not a problem, we don’t set any limits for uploaded photos. It’s a free app with no fee or hidden payments.

    Approved = No Delays

    Getting your travel document is often an urgent matter, since many countries have certain passport validity requirements. With us, you can avoid non-compliance delays. Run a compliance check against the applying rules–we guarantee that your new passport-size photos will comply with the requirements.

    Renew Online

    With our photo booth, you can simply take a selfie at home and then download a file of the exact digital passport photo size to apply online. Save time with our crop service!

    By the Guidelines

    PhotoBooth Online sets JPEG or PNG files to the right size per the standards of HM passport office—print them in colour on white photographic paper.

    Right Size

    Check a shot against UK passport photo requirements in our free online tool. We’ll make sure its parameters meet the guidelines for British passport pictures.

    Pictures for Any Age

    We make compliant images for every age. They meet the size standards for a British passport photo and age-dependent requirements.

  8. What do I need to take a correct UK passport photo by myself?

    Right equipment

    It’s best to use your smartphone camera (however, a tablet or a digital camera will do as well). No selfies though: ask someone else to take your picture.

    Correct background

    It should be plain light-grey without any patterns. Note: if you’re taking your UK passport photo with us, we’ll create the correct background for you.

    Even and natural lighting

    Make sure you’re evenly lit and there aren’t any shadows on you or your background. Natural lighting is perfect for compliant passport-size photos.

    Suitable clothes

    Remove your hat and any accessories (like hair clips or a face mask). Wear business-like clothes—it’ll be perfectly neutral for your passport photo.

    Neutral facial expression

    Keep a plain expression and look into the camera. If you’ve got a picture with red eyes, retake it: any editing is against UK passport photo requirements.

    PhotoBooth Online

    To do it all faster, order UK passport photos online: have your pictures prepared and expert-verified, then order prints in any store or service.

Why Prepare Approved UK Passport Photos Here

Get 35x45 Prints Today

Have your pictures prepared for printing on premium-quality photo paper in no time! Your digital picture will be ready to go: print it out anywhere and attach it to your passport application.

High-Quality Picture

Upload a usual image and get a high-resolution JPEG containing your new British passport photo. It's 100% print-ready: you can use this digital image to order 35x45 prints whenever you like.

Expert Photo Verification

To make sure you meet UK passport photo requirements and get everything right the first time, a trained expert will thoroughly check and certify your picture.

Ready for In-Store Pickup

Using a biometric photo made here, you can order printed passport pictures and arrange a same-day pickup in any suitable store in your area. This way, you'll get your printouts as soon as possible!

Ready for Home Delivery

If you want to do the whole thing without leaving home, take your passport photo here and use a print-and-ship service. Since our photos are ready to print, there won't be any delays with them.

HMPO Acceptance Guarantee

99.7% of passport photos made here are approved by His Majesty's Passport Office. However, if there are any trouble, we'll give you an instant refund or a free retake.
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