
Morrisons Passport Photo at Home for £2.95

Get guaranteed photos now:
• Add a regular self-taken picture
• Resize it and remove the background
• Get a digital ID photo / code / 8 prints
Select Photo Type
Upload Photo
  • submit the digital online or print in any Morrisons nearby
  • order prints with free delivery by Royal Mail
  • pictures like the ones from a Morrisons photo booth
  • Change regular images into compliant ones
  • Process your photos from the comfort of your home
  • Have all the work done for you
  • Reuse your pictures for other important forms
  1. 289,348
  2. 101%
  3. 60-Day
  1. Images Done
  2. Approval Guarantee
  3. Money-Back

What You Get and When

Digital Passport Picture: Instantly

A high-resolution image of your new passport photo – it'll be ready for download right after your purchase, with an additional copy sent to your email.

Passport Photo Code: Instantly

A direct link to your passport photo for online application use. It'll appear immediately on the order confirmation screen and will be emailed to you as well.

In-Store Prints: Today

Create and get a print-ready template with 4 copies of your 35x45mm passport photo instantly (plus an email copy). Print it today at any printing store nearby – just tell the staff you need to print passport photos on a 6x4" sheet, and they'll do the rest.

Prints with Delivery: Within 2 Days

As an extra, you can get 8 premium-quality prints on photo paper, delivered to your door by Royal Mail within 2 days. Delivery is included at no extra charge.
 Upload Photo Upload Photo

Get Your Passport Pictures Right Now

  1. take it with your phone or digital camera
    1. Add a self-taken picture
    Any size and background
  2. download / get them by email / order delivery
    2. Turn it into an ID photo
    Get digital/printed copies

Passport Photos at Morrisons Online: A Guide

  1. How much is this online service?

    We offer two options: 'Digital' (includes a digital passport photo, photo code, and self-print template) and 'Digital + Prints' (includes the above plus 8 printed copies). It's £2.95 for 'Digital' – and £6.95 for 'Digital + Prints'. Get a preview for free: upload a regular self-taken snapshot, and we'll turn it into a guaranteed passport photo – try it now!
  2. How exactly does it work?

    Take a snapshot with any size and background and upload it here – we'll convert it into a valid passport photo by cropping it to 35x45mm and removing the background. We'll also check the resulting picture against the other passport regulations.
  3. What kind of photo should I upload?

    In your photo, stand straight with your head and shoulders entirely visible, maintain a neutral expression, and look directly at the camera. Ensure good lighting with no shadows on your face. Once again, the size and background don't matter – we'll edit them for you.
  4. Will HMPO accept my picture?

    Yes, because we thoroughly check every passport photo against the official guidelines to minimize rejections. In the rare case that His Majesty's Passport Office doesn't accept your photo, we'll promptly issue a full refund.
  5. How do I print your template?

    You can print it in-store by saving it to a USB and visiting any printing location (not just Morrisons) – just tell the staff you need to print pre-prepared passport photos on a 6x4" sheet, and they'll do the rest for you.
  6. Can I take passport photos in-store?

    Yes, many Morrisons locations have photo booths where you can get prints, a digital passport photo, and a code – but it's £12.99. To learn more about the in-store service, see the F.A.Q. section below.
 Upload Photo Upload Photo

Morrisons Photo Booth and Online Service: F.A.Q.

  1. Do Morrisons have photo booths?

    Yes, select Morrisons stores have Photo-Me passport photo booths, where you can get five printed pictures complete with a digital photo code — use their Store Finder to find your nearest location with a booth.
    If there isn’t a suitable store nearby, you can get guaranteed passport photos in our service online! Simply upload a regular self-taken picture — we’ll crop it to the required size and replace the background with plain white, turning it into a valid UK passport photo. Then, get digital or printed copies of the resulting picture — we guarantee it’ll be accepted.
    Get Passport Photos Right Now

  2. How much does a Morrisons photo booth cost?

    Morrisons stores use Photo-Me booths which cost £10 – the price includes five printed passport photos and a digital code.
    As an alternative, you can get guaranteed pictures for £2.95 – in our service. Just take and upload a regular snapshot with any size and background – we’ll resize it and remove the background, transforming it into a compliant UK passport photo. Then, simply get its digital copy for £2.95 or digital copy + prints for £6.95 – either way, we guarantee acceptance.
    Get Passport Photos for £2.95

  3. How do you use the photo booth in Morrisons?

    Although these are fairly outdated, using them is relatively easy. Each one gives you simple and straightforward instructions when used. However, if you just need an understanding of how a Morrisons passport photo booth works, here’s a step-by-step description:

    1. Check Availability and Get Comfortable: Make sure the booth is not occupied and come inside. Sit in front of the touchscreen in a comfortable position.
    2. Start and Select Passport Photo Option: Once you’re ready to begin, tap the screen and choose the option on the left with passport photos.
    3. Select the Format: You can either get a digital version of your image for online submission or have it printed out.
    4. Check the Guidelines: Review the instructions and examples given on the screen to make sure what your new passport photo should and shouldn’t look like.
    5. Position Yourself and Adjust Head Placement: Once you hit OK, the machine will give you instructions on how to position yourself and set up its camera. On the next screen, make sure that your head is inside the oval (use the up and down buttons for adjustment). Hit OK again.
    6. Take and Review Your Photo: The voice will start counting down and take your passport photo once the countdown finishes. After processing, you’ll be able to see the preview of your shot and decide if it’s OK (the system will also tell you when your image has passed all its checks). If you’re satisfied with the result, tap OK.
    7. Make Payment and Collect Your Photos: When on the payment screen, choose a quantity, select the payment method and pay for your Morrisons passport photo in cash or by card. As soon as the system gets your money, it will print your images out. Plus, if you’re using a Photo-Me machine, it’ll give you a digital code (it may take time for it to become usable; see our guide if your Photo-Me code is not working).
  4. What's better: in-store or online Morrisons passport photos?

    Cost of Pictures

    Using the online service, you can get Morrisons passport photos for £2.95. Have your images prepared, checked and printed, then pick up the prints in-store or order delivery. Alternatively, you can have your pictures taken in-store for £8.

    Booth Locations

    Mind that not every Morrisons has a photo booth. To check if the branch you need has one, use the official store finder tool. And if the closest option is too far away from you, consider the online service—it’ll give the same result but quicker.

    How Long It Takes

    As a rule, an in-store Morrisons passport photo shoot takes less about ten minutes. In case you don’t have time to visit a store, there’s the online option: it allows you to order verified passport picture prints in less than five minutes.

    Level of Comfort

    Any photo booth is comfortable if you’re taking a picture for yourself. However, if you need to take a baby passport photo (which is notoriously difficult), it’s better to use the online tool and capture your images at home.

    Quantity and Format

    In photo booths, you get several printed photos. The online service is more flexible: when preparing your images here, you can get eight passport photos printed on premium paper, a digital image and a photo code.

    HMPO Approval Rate

    When taking your picture in Morrisons, the photo machine guides you through to get a compliant shot. In the digital service, your photo is verified by a human expert: they run a compliance check to ensure that HMPO will approve.

    Opening Hours (UK)

    On weekdays, the stores start at 6-7 AM and close up at 10 PM. On Saturdays, the chain works shorter hours and on Sundays it doesn’t open at all. The remote passport photo option is available 24/7 for you to get your pictures anytime you need!

  5. What are the options in the online service?

    Same-Day Printouts

    Get Morrisons passport photos today! Prepare verified passport pictures and get them printed on premium paper in-store or order shipping. To start preparing your new photos, simply push the upload button.

    Additional Digital Copies

    Along with (or instead of) your printouts, you’ll get digital passport photos in two formats: a high-quality JPEG image and a digital photo code. Use either of those to submit the application for your passport online at the official government website.

    Pickup and Shipping Options

    As soon as your Morrisons passport photos are done and printed out, you’ll have two ways to get them: either print your newly printed pictures in any nearby store or have the printouts delivered right to your doorstep.

    Manual Expert Certification

    When preparing your pictures, a trained expert will manually check them for compliance (size, background, lighting, proportions, etc.) to make sure that your new Morrisons passport photos meet the requirements of the HM Passport Office.